November 19, 2011

Special Activity

1.      Remember this activity needs to be printed, and you need to hand it in the day of the exam

I got in a fight with my best friend; I’ve been feeling real bad about it all weekend. This sentence is an example of a:
a.       Central Conflict
b.      Internal Conflict
c.       External Conflict
2.       “Lou introduced me to Jack Dempsey, the great boxer. Jack shook his fist at me.” The previous excerpt is an example of…
a.       Essay
b.      Autobiography
c.       Biography
3.       “I asked him about his family, where they were. He told me he had no idea, that they were long gone.” The previous excerpt is an example of…
a.       Essay
b.      Autobiography
c.       Biography
4.       If I want to find the direct object in a sentence which question should I ask?
a.       Who
b.      Where
c.       What
5.       If I want to find the indirect object in a sentence which question should I ask?
a.       To who
b.      Where to
c.       What for
6.       A verb is the  ______________ of a sentence
a.       Action
b.      Person
c.       Place
7.       The following vocabulary words mean the next
a.       Consolation
·         Hit                     Make someone feel better                       Make someone cry
b.      Cower
·         Be brave                             Stand up                               Feel intimidated
c.       Cunningly
·         Deceive                              Slowly                                     Happily
d.      Revive
·         To regain consciousness             To die and come back to life      Living life
e.      Scuttle
·         Hurried                            Slowly                                                Huge
8.       Write the main idea from the next stories
a.       After Twenty Years
b.      Eleanor Roosevelt
c.       Rikki Tikki Tavi
d.      The War of the wall
9.       Draw the plot triangle
10.   Personification is:
11.   Why was the reading “After Twenty” years surprising for you?
12.   First Person POV uses the next pronouns:
13.   Third Person POV uses the next pronouns:
14.   Third Person Omniscient POV uses the next pronouns
15.   “The saddest character of all was a guy named Billy the Butcher. He looked like he came out of a nightmare alley. He only played one song - <High-Heel Sneakers> and he was addicted to it like a drug.”  The previous excerpt is using which POV?
a.       First Person POV
b.      Third Person POV
c.       Third Omniscient Person POV

November 18, 2011

Study Guide for the 2nd period

1. Conflicts ( Types of conlflicts)
2. Essays ( Types of essays)
3. Surprise Ending
4. Literary terms 
* Biography
* Autobiography
* Plot Triangle
5. Direct and Indirect Objects
6. Suffixes (turning verbs into nouns)
7. Synonyms
8. Readings
* The war of the wall
* Rikki tikki tavi
* After twenty years
* Eleanor Roosevelt
 9. Points of View
10. Personification

The exam is really easy!
Don't worry, just trust yourselves